a nameless rest stop somewhere north of framingham

Driving back from a track meet (see previous post) at 8:00 P.M, we were starving. We stopped at a rest stop somewhere north of Framingham, MA. This was one of those meals that might not warrant a review, because it was from a dime-a-dozen fast food joint and it'd be unfair to rate it on the same level as a more put-together venue. But I want to be fair also to the culinary experience- food isn't always amazing bagels or three course meals with your family in a fancy restaurant. Sometimes food, and the enjoyment thereof, is simple, uninteresting, without effort. So here's an Asian chicken wrap from a fast-food “health wrap” place I forget the name of, and an Oreo Mcflurry from a lesser-known startup burger joint called McDonald's.

For the wrap, ok, yeah, it wasn't great. The size was excellent, and I think the ingredients were fresh-adjacent. The sauce was a decent ginger dressing, the chicken was cold, unseasoned, but not awful, and the lettuce was fine. The tomatoes were way too common and way too large. There were some wontons (yay!) I wasn't expecting anything more. I'm grateful to have been able to stop and get a sizeable meal. But, more importantly, I wouldn't trade in the experience of being with my friends in a random rest stop in Framingham, laughing about nothing, big ole grin on my face, drifting in and out of a walking post-race coma, for the world.

Chicken: 5/10

Sauce: 5/10

Veggies: 5/10

Size: 10/10

The feeling of childlike glee that accompanies an enjoyment of your friends and appreciation for your life: 1000/10

Overall: Unrateable/10

For the Mcflurry, I don't know what to say. It was good ice cream with some Oreos. I like McDonald's icecream, and I'm open to Oreos, so it was a good post-race treat.

Ice cream: 8/10

Oreos: 7/10

Overall: 7.3/10


parts unknown, revisited- an examination of bourdain’s work


post-track meet bagel and an apple turnover